
Project Objective
Supporting the improvement of walking and cycling facilities to enhance socio-economic access in Nairobi while reducing greenhouse gasses emissions from the transport sector.


Project management lead across the full cycle: ideation, design, planning, budgeting, implementation, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, learning, and overseeing researchers collecting data.

Developing and implementing the knowledge management and communications strategy: research methodologies, data collection, and production of knowledge products.

Leading stakeholder mapping and engagement with key government road agencies, as well as NGO players, to foster collaboration and overcome siloed approaches.

Designing and facilitating peer-learning opportunities among senior government officials from Kenya's three largest cities to brainstorm opportunities and overcome challenges to improve walking and cycling


Author: A visual, actionable, easy-to-use Study on walking and cycling to support evidence-based infrastructure development.

Author of several knowledge products used to advocate for the implementation of the Study's recommendations while enabling continuous engagement among stakeholders on practical approaches to improve the walking and cycling experiences in Nairobi and encouraging communities of practice in the sector.
A three-year newsletter series, infographics, photo essays, and a documentary.

The Nairobi Non-Motorized Transport Governance Forum to officially launch and present the Study findings and buttress commitment from all road agencies to support inter-agency collaboration towards an improved NMT experience. Report
Peer learning forums among senior government officials from Kenya's three largest cities to brainstorm opportunities and overcome challenges to improve walking and cycling. Report One and Two


Successfully lobbying for the adoption of the Study by the Executive Office of the President as a critical reference to guide the development of walking and cycling infrastructure.

Invitation in my capacity to review upcoming government walking and cycling plans and provide advisory within my skill set.

Building a community of practice of walking and cycling enthusiasts among city officials and key road agencies across Kenya’s major cities.

Albeit slow, there is notable improvements in several hundred kilometers of walking and cycling infrastructure in Nairobi are attributable to several sector actors, including this project's recommendations.
Work with Edna
for a sustainable planet worth passing on