
Project Objective
Establishing a National Restoration Monitoring Framework to realize land restoration goals in Kenya.


Designing the engagement plans used in all stakeholder engagements with the 47 sub-national governments.

Lead facilitator for the engagements with senior government officials from the sub-national governments.

Synthesizing outcomes of the engagement forums into actionable knowledge products.


Lead Author: An easy-to-use Trends Analysis on forest and landscape restoration in Kenya to support key actors in designing appropriate interventions. Tasks included developing an outline, zero draft for team review, incorporating stakeholders' feedback, and visualizing key highlights with a graphic design team

Comprehensive workshop reports capturing the output from the sub-national engagement forums.


There is a clear shift from evidence to action, as Development Aid is financing the strengthening of subnational County Environment Committees through technical and financial enhancement based on the recommendations from the Trends Analysis.
Work with Edna
for a sustainable planet worth passing on