
Project Objective
Co-designing the United Kingdom’s global agenda on climate and nature and fostering collaboration on 100 million pounds invested in 39 transdisciplinary projects across 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America.
To learn more about the projects, click the links:


Analyzing methodologies across 39 projects focusing on locally-led nature restoration, biodiversity protection, and nature-based solutions to draw out common knowledge sharing and learning themes.

Designing the agenda for the inaugural Implementing Partners in-person international symposium, bringing together 100+ practitioners, Indigenous People, and researchers to serve as a networking and foundational peer learning convening.

Lead facilitator and moderator of the international symposium to stimulate knowledge exchanges on actionable research strategies to shift evidence to impact, participatory approaches (locally-led), and transdisciplinary research among Implementing Partners.

Facilitating the co-design session of the United Kingdom Global Climate and Nature Agenda with Implementing Partners and respective UK department representatives.


Synthesizing the symposium's outcomes in an internal reflection report to inform possible areas of future cross-departmental and cross-project collaboration.

A knowledge-sharing and learning plan leveraging on implementing partners' capacities to support and sustain demand-led peer learning initiatives among projects.

Developing the storyboard and presenting a highlight video capturing high-level symposium outcomes.
Work with Edna
for a sustainable planet worth passing on